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Goh Chew Lin
Ngee Ann Poly
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Monday, June 14, 2010

on friday the 11june, i was quite relieved that i had handed some assignments
so the first thing when i went home was to sleep =)

around 6plus, my friend called to asked me to have dinner and since i'm free i should relax my myself..
and i once back at vivo city meeting them again
and we had some pies for dinner..
we had that at fruits paradise=)
quite nice and not super expensive but hard for me cos alot of it, i cant bite
but its delicious=D

i encourage all to try this as its really nice
no regrets..

4:34 PM

Saturday, June 5, 2010

i woke up around 1pm today
first thing i do was to watch tv. weird huh?
then i came across, kbs world which was showing the korea premature babies
i cried throughout the whole show
its was sad and happy at the same time
premature babies had to struggle so much to live.

one of the case is when a mother gave birth to triplets prematurely, in the end, only one get to survive. The little baby girl is so tiny and she can't breathe on her own, and yet, she struggle so so much to survive
her parents could only watch her outside the intensive care unit
and there was something her mother did, that made me cry
she talk to her baby to fight out and sing to her by using a recorder.
then the nurse play it to the baby girl. and u know what?
the baby girl actually react by a little struggling and a little small cry
her mum cried when she saw that
and the baby did carried on living.

another one was a twin. however only one was left.
the baby girl 's father went to the intensive care. her father was so shock that he only stared and said nothing when he saw that she's so tiny
however, he loved her.
few days later, the baby girl passed away as she was too pre-matured.

another one was a couple that lost the first baby that they had as it was pre-matured too
however, they had came to the same hospital for their 2nd baby.
on the 38 weeks, the mother had successfully gave birth to a baby.
she is so so happy that she could only cried.
oh ya, before the operation for the wife, he bought camera and camcorder to record the whole happening to make it a memorable one =)

to all babies especially the prematured babies.

and this could be said the most tiny pre-matured baby probably in korea.

11:48 PM

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

hmmm, its been long since i've update my blog
i am so busy with my assignments lately but i have just finished my angel assignment 1, thanks to my ting ting =)

this few days/ week, i have been staying in school really late with shihui and sometimes with jolene and jiamin
monday night with shihui sometimes jiamin
tuesday night, will be with belzy and rie just till evening
wednesday night will be with ting ting and shihui
thursday with shihui
friday also with shihui haha
we super chiong right? but sometimes shihui is always watching her movies

oh ya, last tues was my literature presentation and we gave away seaweed as our Q&A gifts
we got an A+ for it. *claps*
and ever since, i "introduce" the seaweed to the class.
I have been selling seaweed to the course.
cool huh?!
i'm quite happy although i have to carry big bags of seaweed to school

enjoy the seaweeds, i know you're reading my blog while eating right? =P

10:08 PM