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Goh Chew Lin
Ngee Ann Poly
This Year 18
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Saturday, May 22, 2010

i wonder how come i'm so tired..
yesterday night, when i reach home, i immediately went to sleep around 4plus then wake up around 8 plus..
around 1am plus, i went to bed again and woke up today 3pm
wow! i sleep so much haha

now i'm trying to settle the MV's expenses and i realise we spent quite a big amount! WOO!

4:54 PM

Thursday, May 20, 2010

asked bel about the song in the afternoon, she told me MV not out.
now finally its out..


10:58 PM

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

saturday when like full of laughter in my house.
two little cute girls, shihui and jolene came over to my house to doing "project/assignment" and we took quite some time to get things done.
we were like playing for whole sunday early morning

oh not forgetting little clare who was oovooing with us.. she is quite funny and actually not fierce at all.
i feel that she was fierce ages ago, but not now! she funny and super cute
her eye brows are cute!

shihui and jolene are totally cute too! we laugh and played from afternoon to evening to night to early morning.
hopefully one day we can call more along but my house is small =)
maybe someone could volunteer for us to go haha =)

oh ya, we had our eng tiong assignment done. its funny!
go see see!!!

12:00 AM

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

feeling excited when it is 12midnight on tuesday night
however, everything changed in a few hours time.
my female lead sms me in the early morning 2 am plus, stating "are you awake?"
i'm asleep!

next morning around 8plus, i saw her msg, she can't come as she had some family matter and had to go to hospital.
my group are kind of pissed off. and we knew she lied. she can't be using facebook in hospital.
and in few hours time, we are starting to film.
i'm calling everyone in my contact list for 1hours?
shocking news to cindy, shihui and haojie!
me too!
i'm totally shocked, depressed and nervous!!
around 10am, i finally found my new female lead.
and due to this, i had my male lead skipped school, and film for whole day.
oh ya, thanks to the old female lead, we had to change our script and being panick!
everything seem bad in the early part of the day.
i forget my bag thing, i went home.
after that, i reach vivo and realised i forgot my burgers for everyone. went back and was late.
however, when we reach sentosa, everything changed!!
we get to do things smoothly!
no rain, ITS SUNNY!!
but we are tanned!

thanks everyone for your hard work!
thanks cindy for coaching, scripting, running around, getting the camera and going to henderson to get the cardboards!
thanks shihui for taking care of our belongings, noting the scenes, accompanying me to fetch the leads and your snacks!
thanks haojie for running all over to film things greatly, getting the camera with cindy, and giving new ideas!
thanks Kyeno for skipping your classes and running for whole day, acting the things we asked, helping a lot by carrying our tripod and camera, and making-up!
thanks lijuan for being asked so last minute and yet, you turn up to help us!
thanks daphne for coming and taking care of our belongings, and buying drinks for us!


although i'm aching and tanned but i'm happy!

10:48 PM

Sunday, May 9, 2010

had a early morning breakfast with my little xiao shihui, jolene, weiting and charmain at macdonald.
erms, should be a early morning project meeting..
things are going quite fine, just that there are simply just too much assignments.
i have yet done my korean assignment too.
what should i say? deeply thinking =P

my filming day is wednesday and thursday!
wednesday, we are going to film in sentosa. I'M EXCITED!
i think xiao shihui is gonna prepare a little picnic for all, not forgetting me, i will bring some too =D

but now i have to try to complete the korean assignment asap!

sleeping soon. sweet dreams =)

11:42 PM

Saturday, May 8, 2010

i'm tired today after a talk with my male and female leads with shihui =)
oh ya, shi hui and I had a great day today!
eating and shopping together haha =D
I have enjoyed my day!!!

9:55 PM

Sunday, May 2, 2010

haha spend my day quite well today i guess..
woke up around 11plus, had breakfast, some spring cleaning in my room and afternoon nap
then went for a wonderful dinner at the market
then using my lovely macbook to watch "Autumn's Concerto"
i just do not know why i have this "feeling" (can't spell the word i want =P) to finish this drama =)

1:00 AM