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Goh Chew Lin
Ngee Ann Poly
This Year 18
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Monday, November 30, 2009

currently this is my favourite KOREA SEOUL DE ADVERTISEMENT! =D
maybe also because SNSD super junior and TVXQ is in there ba but they are not the main characters..

I saw it at National Geographic this few days and wheneer i saw it.. i told my dad I like this advertisement so much..
and then i say like whoever is on the screen
he is always piss off as i keep repeating haha..
hope ur like it! =P

11:46 PM

Saturday, November 28, 2009

this is currently my face to doing assignments =P

i'm really so so tired and currently having a bad flu again!
my internet seem to be not working well and at neighbour house

hoping to re-do ray research in 1 hours cos have to go out for lesson in a while time
good luck!

1:49 PM

Friday, November 27, 2009

haha its been quite some time since i've blog/update XP

i am really so busy with assignment and assignments
seriously thinking, e-learning is worse than normal school days
counting and counting, i guess i'm left with the following assignments:
-Ray Taiwan ppt and research
-Yang Liu week 6 e-learning individual 12 translation i guess
-Angel week 5 and 6 e-learning work
-Norman (everything)
-print out louis resume but before that he nids to call me

seem much huh?! yup it is..
i nid to hurry abit more.. no time to waste anymore


11:46 AM

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

random photo that i like as my hair seem straighter haha

seriously i don noe what to blog about..
i just know that i have tons and tons of homework to do..
went for korean class today. teacher say have to hand in a korean written sort of composition, in A4 paper and at least 3pages long but good thing is he gave us 2weeks to do

the most sian part is next week i have to go for korean class.. AHHHhh!!!!
during e-learning week like no break de..

and also i need help in norman's assignment.. someone help!!!

10:25 PM

Friday, November 13, 2009

sry gals, i wont be able to upload the photos and videos for time being as i busy busy..
will do it asap..
and hor, the video i don noe how to upload leh..

ur wan upload to facebook or blog? =P

anyway, e-learning is next week.
should we meet out on monday to do our project together?
of course, is in sch!

11:17 AM

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

yesterday was so so fun..
the whole clique went to KBOX..
our first time. we enjoyed so much and yh and bel keep take so much videos and photos
they take until so so high..


11:43 AM

Monday, November 9, 2009

trying to act cute haha XD

oh ya, i should update some stuff on friday.. i actually went out with my cousins for dinner and stay with my uncle.. it was a very very long dinner
but i enjoy myself very much =D

everyone was so so excited and keep wanting to take lots of photos..
shu shu and shu mu who are sitting in front, say we really "jia lak" cos take photo also take until like that haha =D

9:56 AM

Saturday, November 7, 2009

yay! i'm finally almost done with my angel's assignment..
WOO! feeling so relax.. not really but at least more than a bit..


have a good rest before our next battle =P

10:56 PM

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

i'm seriously getting so tired!
i have to rush out angel's report.. and I BELIEVE WE COULD DO IT!
we just have to bear for few more days and everything gonna be fine.. by then we can take a rest before we depart for next project or assignment!

oh ya, i finally get to hear SS501 new song, LOVE LIKE THIS!
and its now then i heard from rie's blog.. haha
now i only have the chances to listen carefully to music
and comment about the song is.... it's a great song but the dance is a little girly haha but no offend. overall, great job SS501! =D

OK.. I nid to sleep le.. dating with zhou gong le.. he calling me le..
lastly, i just wan to say..

11:48 PM

Monday, November 2, 2009

oh ya, when sitting with belinda, when checking my email, i saw a 1 for 1 buffet for seoul garden..
when belinda saw it, she was so happy and i ask if we should go together..
and i guess next monday, we could go as a clique le XD

but later when duaji, yihui and I went for the discovery chinese something de thingy, we realise we haven ever went KBOX before..
we might change it to KBOX! rie and belinda, do u agree going?
we should make things happen =D

i always look forward to go out with the clique or even in the same class/lecture..
things change which make me treasure things even more..
i hope you guys think as the same way as i too.. haha

love ya always <3

10:56 PM

french manicure.. i did it myself..
today when i went to sch, belinda said its like liquid paper(correction pen)
then i thought she's talking about the chocolate she gave me haha XD

8:49 PM