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Goh Chew Lin
Ngee Ann Poly
This Year 18
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Monday, August 31, 2009

a few days nvr updated le cos i don noe wat to updated!
recently, my brother had his braces on, and my dad say its time, I really nid to put it on le.
but i quite scare of pain leh..
but i guess in this holiday, i will try to get it done so i can rest more during holiday but i still got to get my mind set and prepared!

oh ya, during this holiday i will also find a job so maybe i can pay for my braces myself
currently still finding!!

today, my sec sch, having teacher days celebration and be yourself day! =D
i did not went back cos i'm kind of tired
but around late morning, I went out with my sec sch best friends..
actually intended to eat seoul garden but there's a private function so we went to eat suki sushi
quite nice cos i finally manage to eat my UDON NOODLES! =P

then we went to watch final destination..
when queuing to enter, a group of boys got caught and was being brought down. I'm so scare tat i might got caught but I DID NOT!
the movie was so disgusting! somemore i'm watching 3D de..
for weak heart, I don recommand..

tired le.. so updated again!

9:25 PM

Friday, August 28, 2009

really really tired after a long day today at sentosa and vivo! =P
this could be said as the first outing the clique ever had..
starting i'm late again but the other lovely ladies nvr scold me la haha
thanks so much =)

then we went to sentosa and PLAY!!! XD
starting riding double bicycles with xiaoting but cannot make it. Quite disappointing when we change it to single bicycles..
but ok happy after the "lunch" cos rie let me ride with belinda in the double bicycles..
quite scary but belinda keep giving me a lot of confidences saying no worries, i behind supporting..
she also keep zi pai! i told her i wan brake le, but she still continue taking photos then we sort of fell haha..
BUT I HAD A LOT OF FUN WITH HER athough almost fell, slopes cant go up etc XD

oh ya, when having "lunch", all of us are like "shoeing" the birds. so funny!
and not forgetting catching after the birds and the birds catch us esp. belinda!
and of cos, its our food tat attract the birds haha

then around 4pm, we went back to vivo to have dinner
bel, rie and I ate "wu xiang". very nice although cant really finish!
we also ate chicken wings with xiaoting.. yihui was so quiet throughout!

whole day was like taking photos for our xie zhen! =)

REST WELL! i'm like face so red until my sis keep saying to my dad I DRINK!
and my dad joked saying YOU DRINK AH!
of cos I SAY NO LA!!

ok la.. wan rest le..
buttock pain ah!

11:17 PM

Finally exam's over! The paper was a little difficult for me today...
manage to struggle through

Belinda suddenly told me that she bought my present via msn. I was quite surprised as it was her first sentence. And i haven even complete buying her whole present. Shes quite mad today and she keep calling me to look at her blog and i did!

Tomorrow's a friday. A VERY SPECIAL DAY! cos i will be going out with yihui, rie, belinda and xiaoting to sentosa. our main point is to ride bicycles. quite qi dai to ride the tandem with anyone of them, and i also want to try the rollerblade.

got to sleep now. BYEEE!! :)

12:09 AM

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

today is quite a big day cos this is my first exam paper in NGEE ANN POLYTECHNIC!
i nvr study and only manage to read through a worksheet return by ray..
don noe why i feel tat i really nid to read it..
so on bus i read it! and it did come out like wad i feel
the day before i had a strong feeling that newspaper might come out..
and IT DID!!
WOW!!!!! =D

paper was like wad i noe but i didnt study.. just dragging the whole question
hoping i could really pass

hmmmm, i had done all question but i can say i cant really finish cos something are just too less... i guess time planning is quite important le. due to my slow writing now, i got to practice more writing at home le. i almost spend 40mins doing my first part of the question(1.1)
wooo! quite long leh..

but in all, well done GOH CHEW LIN! cos u're only left with 1 paper which is in 1 day more to go. JIA YOU!

after this paper, i went with RIE TO ORCHARD AGAIN!
she did nag a little today! here and there but i'm quite happy she actually nag which means she trust. at least she nag better than she keeps everything in her heart.. WELL DONE RIE!

ok tat's it for today! tired after going back to sch TATA!

9:20 PM

Sunday, August 23, 2009

hmmmm, and abt today!
i went market with my mum, sis, ah ma and meet my da yi and da yi zhang
i always enjoy going to the market with my mum esp my parents =)
dont u think its so family??

then after that i reach home around 12plus
then as what my family plan, we have to go bai my gong gong..
i always love go bai my gong gong cos its in a temple
i feel peaceful and quiet in the temple..
while having sometime sitting in the temple, i ask my mum why ah gong was put there? i mean the tablet..
she said ah gong arranged himself de.. and he had always wan to be "placed" there and always visit the temple when he's alive.. and its almost everyday!
then i told my mum something whereby i got scolded!
i told her, i also wan to be placed there with ah gong..
and scolded lor!

when leaving temple, my brother ask me to listen a song, "If I Were A Boy", and i like it! and listening it till now haha
i realised my ipod only have a few english songs or maybe don even have one..
so i download it into my ipod
i feel that the lyrics is quite true haha

then after leaving the temple, my family went to the nearby market to eat as my dad wanna eat the herbal soup but its sold out..
quite unlucky cos the shop always closed shop at 3pm, we reach at 2pm and it was sold out so we could only eat other things lor..

then cos i don wan to go home so early, i finally persuaded my mum to go shopping at toa payoh central.. and then went to my xiao yi house..
cos we all plus my ah gong and ah ma, had dinner together, oh ya, not forget my xiao jiu and his family haha =D
then its a whole day out again! =)

NOW, i realised again that i haven even start studying for my exam on next coming tues and thurs.. i don noe if i have time to study a not lor haix
hope that luck is with me and i could pass my exam..
i'm not asking for flying colours but just a PASS!!
hopefully, i could make it!!
jia you!! =D

10:40 PM

forget to update as i was kind of busy with stuff
on sat, as usual, have my lesson then around 8plus, i went to have dinner, those hungry ghost festival de dinner..
it was quite delicious but i don really like the food!
it's too oily for me, although there's only a few fried food but i don like it maybe due to mood?
then reach home around 11plus..
actually the festival dinner, my mum don allow me go de cos due to one time de experience, i had a fear..
but this year i feel, i should try go ba.. so i went and it was fine eventually haha =D
my family and relatives also asked "hey, how come u are here?","so rare to see u here!"
haha.. some even say its the first time to see me there..

ok i will update more later.. do something first XD
see yaaaa!!

10:28 PM

Friday, August 21, 2009

nvr update yesterday!
cos my waiting was worth it.. as finally the movie "the proposal" i have been waiting finally shown in theatre le..
I have been waiting very very long le..
"THE PROPOSAL" is really really nice lor!

and big thanks to rie who accompany to see it..
i noe she's not feeling well yet she still accompany me to watch the movie
really sorry and thank you! =D

i recommand all of u to watch it cos u will like it =P

7:48 PM

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

actually tired quite a long day today!! my hand hurt so i don intend to update my blog but since rie had ask me so i should! =D

went out with rie again but this time with yihui too! bel is missing lor haix!
but its alright! had a very great day XD

went bowling first.. very weird lor!
starting i did the best but after tat i became the lousiest then slowly recover la haha
my hand hurts!!!!
when playing till half way, i saw my "gu gu" with her son and they are just like using the lane beside me.. WOOOO!!
i missed my curry puff but its alright!
let rie and yihui eat ba! =D

then we went orchard! kino first where yihui start to look for her japanese JLPT(Japanese Language Practical and Theory) haha! i guess yihui will be mad when she saw me write this while rie will be laughing! haha =P
and rie and me, we went to see some magzines, stationery, books which consists of the SHE book that rie love a lot etc

of cos, after tat went ion orchard again!
and of cos not missing our "each a cup"- HONEY RED TEA WITH JELLY and RED TEA WITH JELLY!
then walk around and yihui gave her first time(visit to ion) to me and rie!

oh ya, not forgetting the BIG BIG THANK YOU tat i must say to yihui, thanks for ur accompany and ur small little gift again! i love it a lot!
also not forgetting rie, thanks also for the accompany with me again this week and ur waiting and patience!
i will try not to be late again!

ok for today! hand hurts and 11pm! don forget!!!!
byeeee =D

10:01 PM

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

thanks bel!!
u found the 2songs that i really want to noe!!


i love it so much!!!
faster learn it well and teach me real soon!!

11:24 PM

i'm seriously getting a little sick of pineapples, pears and watermelons
oh ya, and not forgetting the BITTER MEDICINE!!!
i don like it!!!!!!!!

but i feel grateful cos rie told me, this is the only time ah! when i wan to throw the fruits away..
mainly its because the fruits have been there from early afternoon till late evening
but still great thanks!

when i went to ion orchard with rie today again, sth i really feel like buying..
not one, but quite a few maybe lots haha
its shoes!! i think the shop name is "MITJU"
i saw quite a few white shoes which i really like!
i might buy them but still got to save money
and my mum said having too much shoes at home are not too good for the house and family
so i guess i have to re-think before buying them le!

and i also saw a purple flats! which rie and I feel xiaoting might like it!
there's a ribbon on the shoes! quite nice de
i hope xiaoting would like it and buy it since she said tat her purple shoes are spoiling

anyway today is 18august going to 19august le
for chinese, they should noe 20 auguest is wad festival le!
and to inform those who are unsure.. 19august at 11pm, the doors are open!
chinese belief i 11pm and not 12midnight!
so be sure tat ur are home by 11pm..

ok tat's all.. try not to stay too late le since the festival is starting!
byeeeee!! =D

10:45 PM

Monday, August 17, 2009

got control here and there which is really good!!
although kind of sad tat cant eat this and that but i'm happy in the end tat i did not eat!
ok la, a little!

thanks rie for buying PINEAPPLE , PEAR AND WATERMELON for me today!
i quite shock de!
she say it and she mean it and she do it!
and of cos, i do it too!!
i eat them up!
i must lor!
for my health and for her! XD

went orchard and control a little la..
i REALLY REALLY wan to eat de
there's so many i wan to eat!!!

then i also watch movie!!
i told rie a few days ago tat i will not waste my money watching tat but in the end, i'm in the theatre watching it..
its lame lor!
i laugh quite a lot but i feel its ok la!
i also knocked rie's head while laughing hahaha =P

ok tat's it for today!
oh ya, thanks for ur concern bel and rie!
i will jia you de!!! =D

11:33 PM

Sunday, August 16, 2009

at the beginning, i went to visit my ah ma..
then after realising my uncle not feeling really cos of his swollen leg and arm, we went to see a chinese doctor near my si gu house..
he's going to be fine, just tat he has to control his eating habits.
no more chilli and fried foods

after tat since my period had not come for quite some time. i also see the doctor..
kind of sad =(
cos doctor say i got a weak heart now
causing me to be breathing real hard if i suddenly walk fast, carry something heavy or anything la
anytime i might get a heart attack!
my heart is pumping very hard to get me breathing
a normal person pump heart of 60-80times but mine is 101 times
which is so hard!
so wad i have to do now, is to control my diets..
i also diagnosed with high blood pressure and its very high!
really got to control!
and the medicine he gave!
it is so bitter lor! haix

and something a little shocked when i heard was, the doctor understand tat i am quite even-tempered and tat's why sometimes i don blow my temper which could cause 内伤
so i ask him, do u mean i should blow my temper?
he said no! being even-tempered is good but u shouldnt keep everything to urself..
when u're angry, talk to someone instead of keeping all the anger to urself

haix since things are like this now, got to go on diet lor
the doctor say i might die anytime if i continue like this cos of heart failure or heart attack

ya lor! oh ya, the cause is i everytime bathe le just sleep is not good
should wait for my body hair to dry then can sleep!
and my period did not come is also due to the weak heart i have.
also due to not enough blood and heart is like tat
the doctor also said i should be happy tat my period don come cos i dont have enough blood
long time come once should be very gd le..
and i also nid more sleep! he say i lack of rest!
oh ya, my brain sometimes don remember well also due to the weak heart lor

i'm so young, and its like everything's coming..

9:12 PM

Saturday, August 15, 2009

haha sry tat i forget to blog anything yesterday night!
i forget abt it..
those who came looking at wat i blog should be disappointed ba?!
its alright! i'm blogging it now! haha

its a little boring tat i went to sch at 2pm just for 2 pieces of pizza and a few toast with the class?
although boring but kind of new to me cos i nvr toast like with the class haha
after the class, i went queensway with rie for sth special?!
of course its a SECRET MISSION!!
a little news to say to my clique girls is tat, tat time i told ur tat ur got to give me $15+++ rite?
and yup! i guess ur have to give me and rie around $20?
i noe u girls will be like "huh?! why so exp ah? aiyo! wat are u all doing?" etc rite?
pls don be ok?!
i remember telling ur 不要期待太多!
but pls, for a lifetime once of our 4th month? haha

after tat i went orchard with rie!
its a nice show!
although there's like some un-needed sound effect which make it feel like a horror movie but its not!
kind of scary too haha
before watching it, i've alr find the storyline and told rie so to let her make sure its not a horror movie and of course its confirm!
but wasted! cos we noe wad's happening next!
next time cant read storyline first le. if wan, then it gonna be scan through

overall, again another wonderul day!=)

3:38 PM

Thursday, August 13, 2009

i forget to bring my handphone to sch today so kind of sad tat cant contact anyone!
when rie and xt contact me and i'm unreachable
starting when i realise i forget my handphone, i'm so scare rie cant contact me ah
but eventually she did find me la haha

although psychology class only abt 1 hr for the e-quiz but after the class was so meaningful!!! =)
me belinda rie hazel yihui and xiaoting went for a movie treat
thanks to belinda and her dad..
without u and ur dad, we will nvr get free movie and popcorn treat! XD
everything was so smooth today.
and did all of u noe sth?!
although we nvr take any photo but its a memory to me le..
a good and unforgettable one!
since there's a first time, i'm sure there will be a second and third and..........

our first movie was "G I JOE".
hopefully i spell it correctly..
cool movie rite?
worth the price huh?!
i told u gals le, the movies i choose are all worth it de. tell ur no regret le. ur agree with me le ba?! XP
i really like the snake eyes leh! his cool haha
a little disappointing with rie say his mask is weird cos of his mouth
but i feel its not bad lor..

overall, today is a great day for me!
after today, a little relax le cos only left with ray and cy's test!
still have to say GOOD LUCK! GOH CHEW LIN!

oh ya, i'm getting back my psychology portfolio tomorr so i really nid GOOD LUCKSSSSS
i nervous as i'm afraid i fail it but got to be confident in my work so ya, GOOD LUCK!
other than get the portfolio, its a party tomorr!
i'm not sure..
i will update my info with ur tomorr..
if ur wan to noe wat we have for party, remember to show up looking at my blog on time ya!
tat's all for today! da da! =)

11:49 PM

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

this is my final product..
i'm quite satisfied with it..
so do ur think?
the left side could actually be improved cos cant really see its the hand!!

anyway ya, my cousin help me put tagboard and all le!
thanks to u ah!!=D

finally i'm done with norman, eng tiong, bob's presentation le..
today for their presentation, its kind of successful but i am so very nervous at tat time... WHOOO!!
it's like recently I have not been sleeping well only each day few hours.. omg!! pimples coming out!!!
i'm so tired tat on bus i'm like sleeping.. so after bathing I immediately went to bed!!
so FULL now! =D

now only left with Janice(which is tomorr), Ray, Chen Ying's test..

10:18 PM

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

cousin here again.
haix. how come you dont want update your blog?
i know you busy with your school work but still need update okay?
hope you faster do finish your school homework and faster update your blog YOURSELF:D
to Chew Lin's friends.
if you want her to link you. kindly put your link at tag board and i'll help her to link you up:D

9:37 PM

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hello. i'm Chew Lin's cousin=)
hacked into her account to help her update:X
hahah. she didnt know that i actually rememebered her password and her email:X
i'm still trying to edit her blog to the best i could as she dont know how to do blogskin.

by: Hui Shan

6:41 PM

Saturday, August 8, 2009

this is the picture i'm using for my TYPO!!
I'm still working on it currently!! i must get this done by today cos i still have INDESIGN to do haix

1:33 PM

Friday, August 7, 2009

i was actually quite tired today morning cos i was rushing norman's portfolio (although i nvr managed to finish haix)
BUT UNTIL WHEN WALKING TO BLK 50 WITH BELINDA AND XIAOTING, actually is around field area lor.. haha a malay uncle driving a RUBBISH CART with no rubbish on topdrive past us.. then i said "can drive us to class?".. its only for fun and the uncle actually asked if wan "LOMG BANG"??
HAHA i was so excited tat without thinking i just board the cart and i thought bel and xt wont board BUT THEY DID!!!
I was so SURPRISED!!
the uncle was so good and drive us all the way to Blk 50 and he actually stop beside the road whereby we can easily alight from the rubbish cart
DURING THE JOURNEY, xt was like laughing and laughing so so loud!! everyone was watching us and for those whose not watching us, might have heard xt laughers and look at us!! while bel pose a SUPERMAN POSE!! haha its so funny and i still call her take picture!!
the uncle actually drive faster and faster which makes us more and more excited haha
I also cant stop laughing!!!

whereby everyone look at us standing on the rubbish cart
even ppl from the makan place benches are watching us!!

after class, i went for movie treat "UP" with rie and hazel!! another wonderful time with the two funny girls! we are like joking and playing throughout..
not forgetting the movie, its great!! I like it man!!
hazel also had some shopping spree and bought some stuffs!! but its a little pity tat hazel got to rush off for japanese class or test after movie..
rie was also a little lame and funny today haha.. we are like joking and joking haha

NORMAN PORTFOLIO haven finished!!
i'm planning tomorr will have to finish all typo, indesign!!
so sunday i can do bob's photos
after tat is danny's debate haix

events coming and go.. woooooooo!!

11:04 PM

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

had my hong kong presentation earlier today. Things went on quite smoothly and i kind of feel like "thanking" my group members for helping esp liyan and shimin.

after tat, i had my KOREAN TEST!!
omg, everything comes in one day..
the test is kind of difficult for me la.. but oral is fine, not fine la =P
although today then i find out today will be my korean class is last lesson/test,i still wan my korean teacher to teach me

WAIT!! actually some of my korean classmates thought of when registering for korean 102, we will request for MS HAN JUNG LIM so good luck to us all!! XD

still got a lot more to go so still nid to buck up!
oh ya still got BOB'S PHOTOS!!
i still intend to take all photos again leh but i guess no time le so i can only buck up buck up BUCK UP!!

now wad i can do is to 坚持到底!
everything will end soon and holiday will be up soon yay!!


jia lin today also pass me some food li juan bought from her hometown, CHINA.
THANKS PEK JIA LIN!! for walking all the way from ur house to mine then back home haha =)

tat's all for today!! BYEEE =)

10:47 PM

Sunday, August 2, 2009

another day have passed..
great day today cos having like celebrating my papa's early birthday..
I really ate a lot today leh, 汤圆、面线、鱼汤、炒饭、饼干etc.. WOOOO!!
but really happy lor =D

norman's work haven start so i really nid to hurry up le. CY's work also just start a little. JIA YOU!! =P

oh ya, also went to see my ah ma today. I MISS HER SO MUCH!! good to see her too XD

tat's it for today.. BYEE!!

11:15 PM